General Dentistry

Oral Examinations

Oral examinations allow your dentist to evaluate your teeth, gums, overall oral health, and screen for oral cancers. This can allow conditions to be noticed sooner, allowing proper treatment and better outcomes.

Dental Cleanings

Routine dental cleanings allow a dentist to use specialized tools to clean areas of your mouth that you may miss. This can prevent decay, cavities, and infection that may form when bacteria, plaque, and tartar is left in the mouth.

Root Canals

In certain situations, a patient may experience an infected or inflamed tooth pulp; this is often accompanied by discomfort, infection, and swelling. A root canal can remove the infection and improve the symptoms.

Tooth Extractions

At Happy Smiles Dental we strive to protect teeth. However, on occasion, a tooth may need to be extracted. Most often, patients have their wisdom teeth removed. However severely decayed, infected or damaged teeth may also need to be extracted.